Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Predictions about the future

From the world's fair in 1900 some people according to this article ( that people's main use of transportation would be flying cars. Nikola Tesla also predicted in 1909 that people would carry around wireless devices a la smartphones. ( Approximately 50 years ago BBC predicted that there would be world peace, as well that parents would be able to decide the gender of their children as well as how smart their children are. (

Many of the wishes I looked at, not just the ones on this blog, are just wish lists about how people want the future to improve. The flying cars wish is a typical wish but highly impractical, as the dangers of flying are already great enough without having to worry about the average joe being able to fly.  Nikola Tesla was spot on with his devices and the BBC were sort of right with their predictions that it is possible to choose the gender of children, but very few people choose to. Many predictions about the future seem to be how the world will be a better place 10,20,30,40 years from now, many achievements the wishes focus on are leisure based.

Now for myself, in the future I see self driving cars completely taking over the car industry in 20-30 years. I think that holograms will become a much bigger thing than they already are, maybe even something like skype but with holograms. I believe that privacy as we know it will become a thing of the past whether it be through social media or another party spying on us. But more importantly I think that nothing will take a drastic turn for the worse assuming no major catastrophic events (Ex. WW3). And if there is another World War I can see it setting back the world in terms of technology for a very long time.

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